The beautiful nature around Sibiu is inviting us to discover her. So, upon request and based on our availability we organize ski touring tours for adults and also ski classes or camps for children and adults in the Sibiu surroundings and abroad (i.e Austria). Do not hesitate to contact us.
Biologist/Ecologist and specialist in Ecotursim
Yob 1975
Founder of Tioc Natur- und Studienreisen
Proficiency and background
Long time experience for such a short time! 23 years activ in tourism and conservation of the environment occupying various posts and functions.
Managing TIOC NATUR- UND STUDIENREISEN for the past 23 years offering nature specialized trips, theme trips, active trips, involved in
various social projects and in preservation projects, founding member of Romanian Ecotourism Association (AER), founding member of
Romanian Friends of Nature (spokesman), founding member of Danube Center of Competence (DCC - Belgrad, Serbia), consultant on issues
of ecotourism and tourism marketing under CJ Tulcea, collaborator at Danube Delta Biosphere Administration (ARBDD) and National Institute
of Research INCDD, etc
Tourism Technician Expert
Biologist/Ecologist, Master in Systematic Ecology and Sustainable Development.
Tourism License